An Educational Consulting Firm

Barbara Harbula, Ph.D.
Instructional Technolgy Learning Consultant

Learningbyts Home / Curriculum Development / Technology Training /Research Studies / Virtual School Resources For Parents, Educators, Students, and School Systems / Barb's Portfolio / LB Consultants Home


Resources for:


Parent's Blog
Parent Info Meetings


Teacher Blog
Teacher Online Training


Virtual Student Blogs

Virtual Schools

Virtual School Blog

Home Schools

Home Schools Blog

School Districts

School District Blog

Latest Research

Virtual Schools
Online Programs

Phenomenological Research Studies


Phenomenological Research Studies - Want to know what is truly happening in your organization? Has quantitative research given you numbers but not explanations? Then you might want to try a phenomenology. Through in-depth interviews of stakeholders, and a scientific method of analyzing the interviews for word meaning units, a researcher can get to the "essence" of the situation, giving you more insight for decision making.

Some possible topics might be:

  • How's the change to Common Core working? What does it look and feel like from the teacher's point of view? How can you make your staff development meet their real needs?
  • How is the new Teacher Evalustion model working? Is it really measuring what teachers, parents, students and administrators want it to measure?
  • What does it feel like to be a virtual student? Or a student in today's schools? Are the needs of the students being met?
  • What is the experience of teaching online look and feel like? What are the pros and cons? How can training make the experience easier for the teacher and ultimately for the students?

Each study would include:

  • a proposal outlining the scope of the study, what participants would be involved,
  • the data mining and subsequent analysis,
  • a final report giving the "essence" of the experience and recommendations.

Our Fees - Initial phone consultation is free for 30 minutes. Other fees are on a set schedule - check them out on this page.

This website is dynamic, and therefore always under construction as we add comments to the blogs, the latest research, and share with each other, so come back often!

Dr. Barb Harbula


Check out Barb's Portfolio to see samples of previous projects....

Curriculum Development / Technology Training /Research Studies /Resources For Parents, Educators, Students, and School Systems / Barb's Portfolio / LB Consultants Home

Contact us for:

Barbara Harbula, Ph.D.
Fax: 302-678-2875 (call first)
Phone: 410-375-8367
Resume: :

Barb's Portfolio

Curriculum Development
Course Development
Technology Training
Online Educator
Educational Software Development
Standards Based Education
Project Based Learning


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