Welcome & Introductions – Meeting started at 7:00 P.M. with 20 people in attendance.

Officers Reports:

President (Denise Gann) Was not present to report.

Co-Vice President (Lisa Foltz) Lisa said she had hoped Sherri Sauers would be present to congratulate her on being recognized for the top EMT responder in the area.

If anyone knows someone who has saved a life, please let Lisa know so they can be honored by the Red Cross. The Red Cross is holding a Decoy Waterfowl Show and Auction on March 27th and 28th to raise money.

Lisa gave everyone a Maryland PTA Bulletin. She urged everyone to attend the Vendor Fair on April 21, 1999 from 6 – 9 P.M. at Harford Technical High School.

Certificates for free ice cream were passed out to the Dublin Wolves as a thank you for serving the PTA refreshments and snacks this evening.

Co-Vice President (Monica Nelson) Monica and Ginger Barger attended a by-law review workshop on March 17 at Church Creek Elementary. Monica said this subject would need to be discussed at the next meeting because our by-laws need to be changed. We also need a delegate so we can have three votes for HCCPTA. As it stands now we can only have two votes, the Principle and the President.

Treasurer (Ginger Barger) Was not present to report, but submitted a report with a balance of $11,104.54. This does not include however the 4th & 5th grade field trips, the candy sale, staff appreciation, two cultural assemblies, and other various expenses.

Secretary (Sue Braun) Passed around a thank you card from the teachers and staff thanking the PTA for the refrigerator in the teacher’s lounge.

Principles Report: (Robin Payne)

Mrs. Payne has had several comments from people impressed at the number of people attending PTA meetings and that we display the minutes in the hallway.

She still does not know when the last day of school will be.

The breakfast was very successful.

On March 26 there will be a music assembly. The PTSA of NHHS will have a drug assembly. Our 4th & 5th grade classes will attend. Dates will be in the Dragon Tales. Spread the word about Family Night on March 23. Children cannot be dropped off. In April we will be preparing for MSPAP testing. Report cards come out the end of April.

Committee Reports:

Spring Bookfair - (Jean Watson) Dates are March 22-26th. Need volunteers. Received $100.00 in free books. They were given to the kindergarten classes. She passed around a thank you from Mrs. Shlikas. We need to set a date for the fall bookfair. Jean recommended not having it during American Education Week.

Dublin Sweatshirts/School Store – (Laura Jones) Was not present to report.

We will have sweatshirts available for sale during bookfair.

Patriot Program - (Margie Heaps) Six patriots so far. Twenty children should succeed. Celebration will be May 21st. There will be a breakfast and assembly at 9:00 with a variety of guests attending. We will be taking the children on a field trip to Philadelphia. Margie would like the PTA to purchase pins and flags for the children.

Yearbook- (Margie Heaps) So far, 66 yearbooks have been sold. We will be selling them on Dragon Day. If anyone has any pictures, please give them to Margie.

Fun Nights - (Lisa Foltz) Pizza Hut on April 19th. 20% of the proceeds to go to the PTA. McDonalds Fun Night brought in $233.00 for the PTA.

Staff Appreciation - (Teresa Griffith & Linda Blackburn) Donations coming in.

Will be sending home letter soon.

Playground Equipment – (Allan Nelson) We have had a boat donated. It will probably be taken to an auction. Proceeds to go to the playground fund. Spoke to Home Depot and they would like a letter from Mrs. Payne and formally submit it to them. 84 Lumber and Hechingers may also help. Possibly in three weeks we could have lumber. We need to take it one project at a time. If anyone has an item that we could resell like a boat, car, etc., let us know. It could be a write-off. Mrs. Payne informed us she put in an order to have the balance beam and pyramid removed.

Dragon Day – (Denise Gann) Was not present to report.

Food Committee for Dragon Day – (Deb Miller & Margie Heaps) We have a grill. We have had a few companies say they would donate items. We will again ask the parents to donate hot dogs, rolls, and condiments.

Dublin Country Fair – (Teresa Griffith) She is holding check. We have until March 30th.

Basket Bingo – (Lisa Foltz) Will be held at NHHS on October 16th. We need sponsors for baskets and also to fill them. We will need volunteers for this event.

A Halloween theme was mentioned.

PNC Delegates - (Ginger Barger) Was not present to report.

By-Laws Committee – (Monica Nelson) Already reported under Co V.P.

Aluminum Cans – (Karen Welsh) She has a garage full of cans. She called three places and they all seem to be the same price. We will adopt an animal at the Plumpton Park Zoo with the money raised.

PTA Website – (Lisa Foltz) We are now updated. Can reach us at


Box Tops – (Linda Blackburn) Ends on March 31st. $91.00 has been collected so far. We will continue to collect them for the future.

Math Climbers – (Mary DeVincentz) Nothing to report. We have had cards donated.

Campbells Labels – (Teresa Griffith) We have 28,000 labels so far. We can order from a catalog for items for our school.

Candy Sale – (Sheila Lenane) Not present to report. Lisa reported we sold about $7,000.00. Our profit was about $3,000.00.

Register Receipts – (Kathy Onufrak) Not present , but sent a report which Lisa read. A contest is being planned for the top dollar amount from a class. They will be treated to a cookie party.

New Business:

PTA Vacancies – (Lisa Foltz) Need nominations for the next school year. It was opened up to the floor for nominations. Lisa was nominated for President. Monica Nelson was nominated for Vice President. Ginger Barger was nominated for treasurer. We still need someone for Vice President, Secretary, and a Delegate. We also need three people for the nominating committee. Sue Braun, Margie Heaps, and Terri Salisbury volunteered.

PTA Hospitality Person – We are still in need of someone. This person will be in charge of calling people to bring drinks and snacks to PTA meetings. No one volunteered.

Secretary’s Day – Need to purchase a gift for Mrs. Myers. Sue Young said she would take care of that.

Dragon Day Chairperson – We are still in need of someone to take over this event for next year.

Santa’s Workshop – We are in need of somebody to take this over next year. Karen Welsh and Teresa Griffith said they would do it together.

Next Meeting: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 at 7:00 P.M.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,



Susan Braun
