Dublin Elementary School
1527 Whiteford Rd.
Street, Md.
Phone #410-638-3703
Fax #410-638-3707

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Contact Webmaster :

Steve Tarbert 




Harford County's MSPAP Help pages

The Outcomes below can be utilized by highlighting them, then use the "edit/copy" button on your browser. Then go to the document where you want to place them, and "edit/paste" them.

To use this Writing Icon in your documents, simply right/click on them and do a "file save as" to place them in the folder on your hard drive where you will need them. Then in your document look for "Insert graphic (picture)" depending on the application you are using.

I hope these items save you some work. If you would like to see something else available via the web, please email me at the address below.

Outcomes by grade level ---Listed by subject area---


Prek - K

First Grade Second Grade
Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade
Special Areas

Outcomes are completed for Pre-K and 5th grade - the rest will be done in my spare time. If you would like to see it done sooner, please email me.

Or if you have something to add to this page, please drop me a note, also.

Barb ;-)








Back to the Dragon's Lair ½ What's Up at Dublin? ½ Teacher's Lounge½
Children's Work ½ Dragon Links
Copyright August 7, 1998 Dublin Elementary School
Last updated 1/24/2000